How to Convert First-Time Visitors into Regular Attenders

A follow-up formula with ready-to-use copy and paste email and text templates!

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Does your church have this problem?

You get a first-time guest visiting your church.

Their experience seems to be great and you everyone is friendly and caring...

But the next week, they don't come back.

What was the disconnect?

What caused them not to come back?

Everything seemed to go great, they even mentioned how much they loved the church in conversation.

This is a common problem in the church world, and this may be occur due to many different factors.

One thing your church can do to combat this, is to have a set follow-up plan in place!

A follow-up plan that includes text messages, emails, and much more!

But writing an email, or several at that, can be a daunting task.

Writing an easy-to-read text message that hits all of your points, in as little words as possible, is difficult.

We understand that it takes time to write and plan text messages & emails to your audience, which is why we’ve created this resource!

Without a proper follow-up plan in place, your church may be missing out on the growth it can achieve!

In this guide, you’ll discover:

A proven timeline of when to send people and what message

Fine-tuned Copy and paste pre-written text message templates for you to use

Pre-written email templates to send

Download the guide today!