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Free VBS Resource Bundle (Canva Templates) - TIthely

Get access to everything you’ll need to have an awesome Vacation Bible School at your church this summer! All in Canva templates for easy editing!

Fill out the form below to download your free resource.

What's Included?

Our free Vacation Bible School Resource Bundle includes everything your church needs to pull off a successful VBS event, all being fully customizable in Canva!


Print Graphics

Our free VBS Resource includes a door hanger, postcard, and banner template for you to customize.


Social Media Graphics

These pre-made social media images can be used on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or anywhere your church wants to spread the word.


Stock Photos

With our VBS Resource bundle, you'll get access to VBS related stock photos to use for your media.


Email and Text Message Templates

Included in this resource, you'll find email and text message templates. These can serve as the perfect copy-and-paste templates for you to email and text your church to let them know of your upcoming VBS event.

This VBS, take the pressure off of creating everything yourself.

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